Why your back-cover blurb matters…

  Like a pitch, or a synopsis, writing a blurb for the back cover of a book is one of those incredibly-challenging “extras” that go with the job.  And it’s not just the words you write, it’s how they look on the page. My co-author, Susan...

A short primer on going indie…

  E.L James, Adam Croft and Amanda Hocking did and look where they ended up! Not that I expect to hit the bigtime at this point in my career, but having been published traditionally, and now as an indie author, I do know that whichever route you take, success...

Writing 101…The Reboot!

  Other than a naively romantic notion that being a foreign correspondent would be cool, I had no plans to be a writer. But when it came time to choose a university, typical teenager that I was, I went for the one furthest from home. Journalism has served me well – or...

Boss Chick’s Bodacious Destiny…

A multi-genre collection of eclectic reads from BundleRabbit Featuring….Outbid by the Boss!!!     A contemporary romance by yours truly (Anne Stephenson) & Susan Brown writing as Stephanie Browning! Seven books in all, this box-set of Bodacious reads is...